TF Core Growth Fund | Stock Selection
Evaluate prospective companies by proprietary quantitative metrics:
Screen by classic fundamental growth criteria; focus on historical trends in return on equity/assets, sales and earnings trends/growth, quality and stability of earnings and cash flow vs. industry/sector/market.
Analyze historical revenue and earnings growth and forward growth based on consensus estimates and our own internal estimates of future growth to determine a candidate’s intrinsic value.
Assess financial condition and stability: balance sheet analysis, changes in inventories, accounts receivable and payable, earnings quality ratio. Apply rigorous qualitative research to determine company’s prospects considering market position; potential for leadership and possible disruptive aspects of products/services.
Review SEC filings, company presentations, press coverage, conference calls, analyst research (both Wall Street and independent).
Analyze the company’s business model, assess the quality of management, talk to suppliers and customers, review strategic decisions, new products, innovations, cost cutting, insider transactions.
Determine a candidate's total addressable market and the prospects for market share.
Ultimate decision: Is this a business we want to own?